Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of common questions and answers you may have about SMASH. If you have any questions or comments not addressed below, please send an email to and we’ll get back to you!

Do I have to live in Southern Maryland to join SMASH?

No, anyone of legal drinking age with an interest in homebrewing is welcome to become a member.

How do I join SMASH?

You can register to join SMASH on the Registration page. Simply fill out our registration form, and when approved, you will become a club member and you will get access to our forums and other member content on this website (and you can of course attend club meetings and events).

Do I have to be a homebrewer to join?

No, anyone interested in brewing is welcome. From those with an appreciation for homebrewing to people who want to brew for a living, you’ll fit right in.

Are there any requirements I need to know about in order to become a member of SMASH?

All members must be of legal drinking age in the State of Maryland (over 21).

Am I expected to drink alcohol at SMASH events?

As part of our meetings, you may be offered a sample of a homebrew which is likely to contain alcohol. Any intake of alcohol at SMASH events is completely optional and at your discretion. SMASH strongly encourages all members and guests to drink responsibly at all times.

Can I attend and just get fall-down drunk?

Well, no. We’re homebrewers and not an open bar. The goal of SMASH is to provide a place for Southern Maryland homebrewers to meet, discuss the craft, trade recipes and techniques, and share in the camaraderie of brewing.

When and where do meetings take place?

Presently, meetings take place the first Tuesday every month at Scorpion Brewing in Owings. Scorpion Brewing has also graciously allowed us to hold group brew days at various times throughout the year. Members will also periodically hold gatherings at their homes. Our Events page lists all upcoming SMASH events.

Can I come to a meeting if I’m not a member?

Absolutely, prospective members are always welcome and encouraged to join us for a meeting!

What should I bring to a SMASH meeting?

You don’t have to bring anything, just yourself! If you wish, you can bring homebrew to share with the group but it is completely optional. Members will also occasionally bring commercial beers they think the group will enjoy or – as sometimes is the case – they just want to get rid of.

What happens at SMASH meetings?

SMASH monthly meetings are a chance for the group to gather, discuss homebrewing, brew a batch or two, and often have an educational component for new brewers.

Is there a fee to join SMASH?

If you’ve joined us for a meeting (or two or three… we don’t keep close tabs) and you’d like to join SMASH, we ask for members to pay a yearly $20 fee. This money goes toward things such as maintaining this website, purchasing consumables (e.g. plastic cups we use during meetings, grains and hops for group brews) and other items of benefit for the club.