What’s you favorite Blonde Ale?
Nothing says Summertime like a crisp, clean and refreshing Blonde Ale. Which makes it the perfect style for the month of June….or any other month really. Blonde ales of course have roots in Belgium where Belgian blonde ale is a popular style, but the blonde ales we are talking about are those born in America.
“They often have subtle fruity notes and low to medium hop aromas. These aromas combine to create a wonderful bouquet of citrusy, floral, fruity and spicy notes.“
American style blonde ales originated in small microbreweries and brewpubs that were unable to produce lagers. They were designed to be very approachable and drinkable by all and remain a great entry point for people looking to explore the world of craft beer. If you have a friend looking to try some great beer but they are typically turned off by IPA’s and other hoppy beers, hand them a blonde ale and see how they feel about that.
“The aromas fully awaken the flavors as the first sip is taken. A soft malty sweetness sometimes accompanied by bread, toast, biscuit and wheat flavors hit the taste buds.“
The aromas present in a blonde ale are subtle, but help to create an enjoyable drinking experience. Light to moderate malty aromas are commonplace and sometimes combine with bread or caramel notes. They often have subtle fruity notes and low to medium hop aromas. These aromas combine to create a wonderful bouquet of citrusy, floral, fruity and spicy notes.

The aromas fully awaken the flavors as the first sip is taken. A soft malty sweetness sometimes accompanied by bread, toast, biscuit and wheat flavors hit the taste buds. Following that malty sweetness the drinker may get hints of fruit and light to moderate hop flavor as it finished with a medium dryness to slight malty sweetness. The body is medium with moderate to high carbonation that awakens the taste buds. The experience is balanced and delightful.
You should go grab one right now….
There are many commercial examples available such as:
- Kona Big Wave Golden Ale
- Russian River Aud Blonde
- Widmer Citra Sumer Blonde Brew
- Pelican Kiwanda Cream Ale
- Victory Summer Love
- Pete’s Wicked Summer Brew
With that said, some of the best blonde ale’s I have ever enjoyed, were brewed right at home. Take a moment this Summer to kick back, bask in the sun, and enjoy a refreshing blonde ale! And be sure to learn more about it by checking out the BJCP style guidelines on blonde ale.